Canada At 150: Our Gratitude Should Know No Bounds
He just about broke his nose against the window of the Buick on the drive from Saskatoon to Regina. Not a bump of the land in sight. Just….nothing…as far as the eye could see. [...]
A Story About The Whynosaur And The Whynotaurus
Why do you matter? Answering the question asks you to soul search for a reason for being. It motivates, directs, and focuses action. It forces consideration of others (competition) to position differences. Being different sells [...]
Serve Others
She started walking toward me on the sideline at soccer practice. I hadn’t seen that look on her face before. I should know; I’ve known her since she was knee high to a grasshopper. The [...]
Change The World – One Creative Kernel At A Time
When my daughter was in Grade 5, she couldn’t stand something the boys started doing: taking people’s sandwiches and eating them. My daughter came home one day, proud that she had found a solution. [...]
Cliche Your Way…Is Not A Way
Clichés are easy to throw around. They are common language. We default to them in our professional silos because we’ve heard them so frequently it feels like the air we breathe. They are comfortable like [...]
Pursue The Heroic
In Grade 8 he has only one minute of playing time on a basketball court as the lowest ranked player on the team (Src 1). Two years later he’s a starter. He leaves high [...]