If The Mouse Roars, The Tiger Starves
“Our job is to survive not explore,” said the CAO. Let me say it again – “OUR JOB IS TO SURVIVE NOT EXPLORE.” It’s a profound statement of the small ball that bedevils the [...]
Revel In The Life Of Utility
We criss-crossed Manitoba when I was a kid. We camped every weekend, from spring snow storms to the invariable Thanksgiving snowstorm that erased memory of the 10 foot piles of oak leaves we would gather [...]
We Need More Servant Leaders
Your community is tackling a hot button issue. Cat licensing. A new visual identity. A proposed new moat to be installed around the municipal office (said facetiously but it would certainly get folks out [...]
The Time Has Come For The Art Of Community Building
Election season springs anew. Along with it, the debate about hard-earned taxpayer dollars stirs itself into frenzy in social media. “Hold the line on taxes.” “Government waste has to go.” “Focus on basic services [...]
There Can Only Be Us
You’re walking up a street and suddenly, you’re dead. You’ve been struck by the murderous bumper of a car. You likely didn’t even have a chance to know the feeling of terror. No chance [...]
Adapt Or Die: The New Community Mantra
From Forestburg, AB (coal) to Canal Flats, BC (forestry), we have worked with single resource communities faced with the closure of their primary employer. When a foundation of community economy disappears, communities die a [...]