RM of La Broquerie


Located 1-hour SE of Winnipeg in a province and region in the midst of agriculture value-add expansion, the RM of La Broquerie’s 30% 10-year population growth makes it one of the fastest growing rural municipalities in Manitoba. An Economic Growth Strategy was desired to focus economic growth initiative.
Desired recreation amenities and quality of life inspiration. Value for tax dollar. Good basic infrastructure. More good quality local jobs. The RM of La Broquerie pragmatically connected these dots in an Economic Growth Strategy.
Six GOALS define bold priorities that step into an elevated set of opportunities with greatest potential for transformative community progress. The heartbeat is identification of a DIVERSIFICATION-focused Southeast Manitoba AGRIHUB vision that sees the RM collaborating with municipal neighbours. The RM needs to more than double its non-residential assessment ratio to 10% to create better ability to pay for services and amenities. To do this requires ENTERPRISE-DESIRED INDUSTRIAL LAND. Land is the nucleus of the Strategy, around which the remainder of the atoms in the strategy revolve. RM resolve to secure land supply that checks the right site location boxes for enterprises is a key first step. Key messaging embedded in the Strategy gives the RM ability to build community embrace of the benefits of industrial development. Tourism, retail, professional services, construction, and regional industrial services also feature in economic expansion initiative.
Diversification and land-based job creation catalysts require key ENABLERS. The Strategy identifies and addresses key FOUNDATION-BUILDING enablers, including Highway 52 safety enhancements and Highway 210 winter maintenance, wastewater innovation, enhanced recreation amenity, more health services, education options, drainage solutions, and advanced broadband infrastructure enhancement. PLACEMAKING initiatives aim to accelerate attraction of affordability and lifestyle seekers who have been moving to the RM in recent years. TELLING THE STORY is an important means to connect as a community in legacy-making purpose that leverages strong cultural history and connectivity. From the RM website to discussion within industry sectors and with investment interests, Strategy initiatives work to have the RM be more outwardly visible in marketing initiative. These community-building elements are inter-connected; they rely on each other to succeed.

The Strategy is presented in a visual, easy-to-read format to better communicate with the community and investment interests. The Strategy is designed in PPT for ease of RM use in implementation. An Implementation Plan was provided under separate cover. Each of an Implementation Plan, and a Situation Analysis (including SWOT/SOAR, community survey results, interview themes, and quantitative workforce and industry sector analysis) were generated under separate cover to leave the Strategy a lean 22 pages for readability.

Completed in Spring, 2024, the Economic Growth Strategy is now being actively used as a core decision-making tool.
The Future

The RM of La Broquerie continues to work on its ambitious economic development pathway.