Stop Looking At The Rock Chip
“Thwhack!” To be Canadian is to hear the sound of a rock missile smacking your windshield, after having been spit up by rotating rubber in front of you. We Canadians are a cynical bunch; the [...]
Believe In The Power Of Us
Geese fly 70% further in a V formation per unit of energy than they do as individuals(1). It’s been reported that happily married people lead healthier lives than single people(2). Ants have no leaders but [...]
Stand Out From The Crowd…Thoughtfully
When Microsoft research(1) concluded we have less attention span than goldfish due to use of portable devices, I smelled something fishy. After I got over the imagined test of a buttery, pan-fried filet of my [...]
Understand The Shark And The Goldfish Paradox
The Shark and the Goldfish Paradox: More Bravery=Less Consensus Communities Must Be Creatively Brave To Get Noticed Be careful where your goldfish swims to stand out from the crowd with your great ideas or initiative. [...]
Find Value In Your Values
Strategy this. Vision statement that. Plan the other thing. While deeply respecting the need for communities to direction-set with a renewed sense of passion and far less boilerplate that makes you no different than the [...]
From High River To Fort McMurray: The Worst Is The Best Of Us
June 20, 2013. Sweat is dripping off my face. My arms are exhausted from wringing sopping wet towels into buckets to push against the tide of water pouring through the window casings into Mom [...]