Meat Loaf….Some Food For Thought
The dashboard lights have dimmed...R.I.P. Meat Loaf. Bat Out of Hell is still one of my favourite creative works of any kind. "Heaven can wait, And a band of Angels wrapped up in my [...]
Time To Re-Energize Our Democratic Soul
It doesn't matter what your politics are. What happened at the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 can never be remotely acceptable. When crazies are actually in your house of democracy it’s time to [...]
Put Your Heart In The Right Place
“Oh, the places you’ll go,” said Dr. Seuss. What the good doctor didn’t say is that only a few places are memorable enough to make us want to go back, let alone invest in [...]
Ryan Reynolds Delivers a Marketing Master Class
My favourite ad ever. I stumbled across the not-lacking-an-ounce-of-cozy-warm-blanket-and-hot-blooded-insta-crush-charm Ryan Reynolds promoting his company – American Gin. A 100 second video ad. I laughed. I might have peed a little and spit a little [...]
We Are Meeting Our Maker
The Meeting. The mere M at the start of it as it slips from the lips of “the organizer” spreads dread head like the fear of staplers everyone should have. Worse than the fear [...]
Cover Your Ass(ets)
Years ago, I doodled Humpy Dumpty one day while mindlessly questioning my purpose in life in another one of those barbed-wire-up-the-nose meetings about not much. I pictured Humpty’s last view, falling off the wall, [...]