Yesterday, flinging myself across mountain ranges enveloped by the dance of storm clouds, I was reminded that we live in an impossibly beautiful country…with the freedom to be who we want to be…with the means to pursue our highest ambition. We are rare in the world.
So let’s stop dwelling on the conflicts of our doing – from pipelines to caricature politics to inflexible ideological boundaries to borders between ideas and people we construct in our own minds.
Let’s cut it out with NIMBY only to hurl our responsibilities onto other countries who don’t have the means to do things as responsibly as we can.

Let’s get busy solving problems for real people – who want jobs, hope and optimism for the future of children, life that offers potential for better.
Let’s get back to the world of compromise – which is the only way humans live in peace, prosperity, and the pursuit of happiness.
We are lucky only because we live here. If we are entitled because of it, the light of our society is dimmer for it.
We have the means to be a global guidepost that can inspire other places to lofty social, economic, and environmental ambitions. So let’s get on with it Canadians – each in our own way with the skills we have to offer no matter how small or big. We have a collective job to do for the sake of the generations that follow. Let’s stop out-talking and yelling at each other. Let’s start out-doing by leveraging the best of each of us. Choose the light you want to be. Make it happen now.
There’s no time to wait says a world so much in need of inspiration and new ways forward.